Construction of Multimodal Goods and Fuel Delivery Hub with Railway Siding Connection

Construction of Multimodal Goods and Fuel Delivery Hub with Railway Siding Connection / Katowice Airport Investment Program 2024–2028

The investment will be located in the south-eastern part of the airport. An unloading railway siding allowing to load and unload goods and fuel will be the heart of the investment; it will abut three 1000 m³ containers and two unloading stands for fuel trucks. In the area of the hub located in the restricted part of the airport, three stands with fuelling pumps for aviation fuel trucks will be created. In addition, a railway siding will be built to connect Katowice Airport with the Central Rail Line via railway line No. 182 Zawiercie–Tarnowskie Góry.


”Construction of a multimodal goods and fuel delivery hub with railway siding connection at Katowice Airport” has received a grant from the European Union under the ”Connecting Europe” Facility (CEF) 2021–2027 Military Mobility; the support will constitute up to 50% of eligible costs.
