Expansion of outdoor car parks, construction of multi-storey car park

Expansion of outdoor car parks, construction of multi-storey car park / Katowice Airport Investment Program 2024–2028

Due to the forecast growing passenger traffic, the need for parking spaces will also increase.

In 2032, there were approx. 5550 parking spaces available at Katowice Airport. By 2030, GTL SA plans to build approx. 8000 new parking spaces, 6500 of which will form new outdoor car parks.

As part of the investment program, a multi-storey car park will be created, with 1500 spaces available in the first phase. The building will be located near the new roundabout, which was put into service in June 2023. The multi-storey car park will be connected with the central terminal via a glass pier.



  1. 2024 – first stage of construction of car park near the Main Gate: 750 spaces
  2. 2024 – first stage of construction of car park at Cargo City: 906 spaces
  3. 2025 – second stage of construction of car park near the Main Gate: 500 spaces
  4. 2025 – second stage of construction of car park at Cargo City: 1153 spaces
  5. 2025 – expansion of car park P1: 400 spaces
  6. 2026 – third stage of construction of car park at Cargo City: 1250 spaces
  7. 2026 – third stage of construction of car park at Cargo City: 1250 spaces
  8. 2027 – fourth stage of construction of car park at Cargo City: 665 spaces
  9. 2028 – construction of multi-storey car park: 1500 spaces
  10. 2030 – construction of a two-storey car park near the highway: 1000 spaces